The Ultimate Guide To Recruiting Front-End Developers

What Front-End Developers Do?
Recruiters Guide

Book cover

This guide will help you to better understand the needs of your clients and recruit the best front-end developers.


Written by Artemij Fedosejev. A Senior Front-End Developer in London, UK. Author of React.js Essentials book and website.

The Book

You will learn what the most in-demand front-end technologies are and what front-end developers use them for: JavaScript, React and Redux amongst others.

All those tech keywords will start making sense to you!

You will never confuse Java with JavaScript and React with React Native again.

This book is for recruiters who don't have technical background but want to understand what skills their clients seek to hire and how to efficiently communicate their client's requirements to front-end developers.

What's Inside The Book?

  • Chapter 1:
    What Front-End Developers Do?
  • Chapter 2:
    HTML and CSS
  • Chapter 3:
    BEM, SMACSS, LESS, SASS and Bootstrap
  • Chapter 4:
    JavaScript, ECMAScript, ES6, ES2015, Babel, TypeScript, Flow, ESLint, TSLint
  • Chapter 5:
    API, DOM, jQuery, React, React Router, i18n
  • Chapter 6:
    SPA, AJAX, Flux, Redux, TDD, BDD, Jest, Enzyme
  • Chapter X:
    Git, Mercurial, GitHub

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What people say?

"Artemij has been a pleasure to speak to and work alongside. I started as a fresh faced associate consultant and struggled in my first couple of months, I couldn’t get to grips with the market and didn’t understand the market I was recruiting for. Artemij’s book has turned my work completely around, I have been able to bring on huge clients such as The White Company and Eurostar by reading his book and understanding Front End Development for what it really is."

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"I attend a 1:1 tutoring session with Art every month where we run through what I have learnt – I have really been able to develop & progress my career due too Art’s help. I highly recommend working with him."

The Talk

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The talk offers an essential overview of what front-end developers do in a time-efficient format.

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Who's teaching?


Artemij Fedosejev has over 6 years of professional front-end software development experience. He worked with Facebook, Imperial College London, Boston Consulting Group Digital Ventures, Trainline and others. Artemij's an early adopter of React and the author of React.js Essentials book. Today Artemij is a senior front-end developer, author and educator.


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